Sunday, September 8, 2013

Peace, Guilt, Regret, Risk and Making it Happen

In a perfect world, have you thought about what would bring you peace?  No disagreements, no disappointments, everything perfect.  Peace to me is pretty much silence.  I really hate people arguing and fighting.  I was the youngest of three girls and was five years younger than my last sister.  I have had a lot of alone time growing up.  I remember walking out into the fields and getting in touch with nature.  My best friends growing up were my animals.

Even now I find myself enjoying my alone time.  I love watching TV while enjoying some wine.  I guess you call it down time. Even at work I prefer to be stuck in my office alone without interruption. I used to work in so many jobs were there were people all around you.  I love having my own office and being able to shut the door. Yes, I prefer to work independently, you could say.

There are many other aspects of what brings you peace. Peace is the absence of guilt, to have a guilt-free conscience. I think everyone has things in there past that they feel guilty about doing or saying.  You can try to push it out of your mind all you want, but it is always there.  Everyone wishes there were an "erase" or "redo" button to get rid of their past mistakes. They say that the mistakes we have :made in the past make us who we are today. I guess I agree with this.  When we die our tombstones say "Rest in Peace".  I guess this is the ultimate stage of clearing our minds, clearing out guilt.

It seems like there is always someone who you should have said something to that you just never did for whatever reason.  Someone you should have apologized to that you never did.  Someone you wish would have apologized to you who hasn't.  Fixing these issues before your final days seems important.  It's hard to live with regret.

There are things you wish you would have done during your life that you just never did.  Chances you could have taken that you didn't that now you wish you would have found the courage to take them.  We only live once.  That's all the chances you get. Is it better to have tried and failed than to have never had tried at all?  I think so. But does everyone live by these rules?  No.  Some people are just better risk takers than others.  Are the successful people in life the ones who take risks, or are they the ones who have never taken a risk?

There are plenty of things that I wish I would have done that I haven't.  I wish that I would have gone back to school for something.  I always wanted to be a hairstylist.  I used to have a Barbie head that I could do make-up and hair on.  I loved doing this.  I used to color my mom's hair when I was younger, starting at age 12 or so.  I always wanted to get a tattoo and I haven't yet.  I've always wanted to travel to Europe and never did.

What are the risks I have taken along the way?  I went to college.  I got married.  I moved to Colorado.  I had babies.  I started my own business and failed. I have left plenty of jobs for other jobs that I thought would be better.

I think that people live by "the grass is always greener on the other side" mentality.  We are always wanting more out of live.  We are never satisfied with what we have now.  We always see other people who have what we want and wish we were them. If we really had their lives we still wouldn't be happy.  That brings up the question of what is happiness?  What makes us happy? Everyone has their own individual opinion of what would make us happy.

It is very important to make yourself happy.  To do the things you have always wanted to do. Don't live with regrets! Make it happen!  Take the risk!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Figuring Out Life

They always say that life is what you make it.  I feel that sometimes life is what is thrown your way.  There are a lot of scenarios and situations that you don't have any control over that drastically change your life.  I know there are some people who plan their whole life out - what they will do for work, what kind of person they want to marry, where they want to live and how many kids they want to have-a cookie cut-out family and life.  But do these people end up happy?  Do they chose a job for the amount of money it brings in? Then they are not doing what they love.  I think there are many people who are stuck in jobs they don't love.  A person is very lucky if they actually do what they love to make a living.  But, I think there are people who don't know what they love.  They haven't discovered their calling in life.  I'm 45 years old and I can say that I have not found my calling.  Maybe I'm not listening to God or to my heart like I should.

When I went to college, I had every intention of ending up being a newspaper writer.  I even had a job waiting for me after graduation for the Storm Lake Pilot Tribune. But life happened and I got married, and my husband wanted to move to Colorado to find jobs.  He thought there would be more opportunity there.  But, writing jobs there were very competitive.  Basically you had to write for free to start out with.  I was offered a job for a newspaper in Evergreen, Colorado, which was an hour plus drive up into the mountain.  I would only have gotten paid $25 a story.  It didn't seem worth the compute for $100 a week, especially when the roads were icy and dangerous.  My first job in Colorado was at a travel agency.  I did use Pagemaker Pro to create a newsletter for our clients.  My next job was for the Denver Business Journal, a business newspaper.  I was a secretary in the advertising department.  I did write for the in-house newspaper, but that was it. After this I was a secretary for years.  About four years ago I answered an ad for a freelance writer position.  However, when I was interviewed, I was offered the job of an advertising representative.  Since being in this position, I did write one article for the advertiser in a special section. I have considered looking online for a freelance position, or just submitting writing to a magazine, anything to get started.

Anyway, back to life is what happens to you that makes it.  Situations like health issues, losing your job, having financial problems, etc. have a direct influence on what you do in life. But, sometimes when one door closes, a better door/opportunity opens.  Very successful people "accidentally" fall into to something they end of loving. Before it was decided that I would attend a four-year college, I wanted to be a hairstylist.  I often wonder if life would have been different.  My husband graduated with a major in criminal justice and a minor in finance.  His dream was to become a cop. He ended up falling into sales for the money.  

When did I stop?  When did I quit believing in my dreams?  Successful people are those that have a vision and a goal in mind.  They are determined and don't stop for anything.  I was not taught that competitive mentality growing up.  Sometimes I wish that I would have been instilled with this belief.  It would have changed a lot of things for me. I stopped playing competitive sports in junior high.  I think it is a really good thing for children to learn to have the will and determination to win, to reach their goals.  I wish the best for my children.  I want them to follow their dreams in life, whatever they shall be.  Elle wants to be an elementary teacher.  I know she will succeed at this.  Dalton hasn't quite figured it all out yet, but hopefully will soon, since he will be a high school senior next year.

I know it's not too late for Jeff and I to go after our dreams.  Many people start over at 40 something.  I have a friend who is getting an online education who is a single mother of three.  If she can do this, anyone can with the will and determination.  It's all about confidence and self-esteem, the I-can-do-this attitude.  If only I could figure out what I want to do, then maybe I could start to realize my dream. I really need to find some motivation and inspiration.  I have been in a funk for a long time.  I have been settling for an easy job.  I have become lazy in all aspects of my life.  How do you find the light?  I guess I need to start praying more or meditating.  I need to do something fast.  I would like for us both to make more money so that we can travel and enjoy life after our children have left the nest, which will be in 2 years.  God, please show us the way and direct us to the light.