Sunday, August 3, 2014

SWAG - Saved with Amazing Grace

About three months ago I made a conscious choice to make myself available to attend church with my family. I hadn't been to church for about a year prior to this. I was not comfortable at the church that my family had been attending. I just didn't get a warm, fuzzy feeling there. We went back to a church we used to go to that got a new pastor. The first Sunday back, I knew it was the place I wanted to go in order to get closer to God.

I wanted to go to church every Sunday with my family. The pastor is very relatable with the congregation. He has great energy.  There is a worship band there that is so good. There is a mixture of people there from all income levels. No one judges each other. They encourage people with troubles to come forward to pray with leaders.

I want to become a member of the congregation. One of the requirements is to have been baptized by submersion. I was baptized when I was 22 years old by submersion. The rest of the family would need to get baptized this way before they can become members.

I really feel that I have found God and want to serve him. I am ready to change my life completely. I am ready to give back.